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Influence of the Neuro-Educational Environment on One’s Socialization under Total Digitalization
Academia EduSoft
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023
The institute of education is an instrument of advanced development, a means of forming a new shaping socio-cultural pattern, with its specific means of significant socialization potential in the conditions of rapid development of society's digitalization. Only education, in its present dimension - neuropedagogy, is able to conduct successful socialization of an individual by teaching her from the position of the laws of brain functioning; to intensify this process in the conditions of total digitalization in accordance with the laws of brain functioning. Intensive use of formal and informal education in the daily life of today's society and socialization of the population in the digital environment because of its activities in the virtual sphere create a wide space for the realization of opportunities. They are conditioned by the rapid dynamics of information flow as a global factor of modernity, generating both advantages and problems in the educational process, cognitive development, social adaptation of personality; formation of traditional ways of relations; changes in the neural architecture of the human brain in the long term; emergence of risks beyond the limits of the digital space. It was established how representatives of different generations, grouped into appropriate age focus groups and in the process of receiving formal and informal education, are socialized in the digital space. The paper reveals how the cognitive domain of personality changes under the influence of digitalization in the context of the respondents' stay in the educational environment. The specifics of socialization in the digital environment and the reasons for the preference of virtual form of communication were determined. The types of digital danger in the virtual environment were revealed.
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Neuropedagogical Features of Communication in the Process of Online Education
Academia EduSoft
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023
The article reveals the features of communicative interaction with students in conditions of quarantine restrictions and martial law. The aim of the study is to analyze the psychological issues of the organization of distance learning of adolescents and young people and determine, based on this, the main directions and technologies of pedagogical communicative interaction. The objectives of the study included the following features of the work: 1) determining the theoretical and methodological foundations of distance learning; 2) analysis of the main issues and psychological features of pedagogical-student communication in terms of distance learning; 3) elucidation of psychological and pedagogical ways and technologies of pedagogical interaction in the period of quarantine restrictions. The article presents the peculiarities of the educational process during the quarantine period as an aspect of neuropedagogy, defines the peculiarities of communication with children when using information and communication technologies. To study the processes of further immersion in the essence of brain behavior in the digital stream, the formation of new neuropedagogical knowledge is necessary to understand how to make learning and, more broadly, socialization a pedagogically controlled process in this new environment.
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Enriching Course Content in University With New Media Technologies and Neuro Education
Tamer Bayrak
IGI Global, 2022
Avoiding technology is the same as staunching the flow of daily life, because it has become a part of our lives. Understanding of media has begun to change as technological tools have taken over daily life to such an extent. The individual, the smallest circle of this change ring, has also started to differentiate in terms of needs and expectations, so education has become the element that needs to be changed most. Classical teaching methods does not appeal to the students anymore. Neuro education and eye tracking methods are pioneer methods to be used in education. By the help of new media, students can visualize the information they have been learning and have a quick understanding of the information they get in the lectures. In this study, the effects of the spread of new media technology in education and how the old understanding of students and teachers are reshaped and adapted to this technology has been explored.
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Application of Computer Technologies in the Educational Process
Sardor Sattorov
Theoretical & Applied Science, 2020
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Axiological Characteristics of Digitalized Education
Анастасия Симонова
V International Forum on Teacher Education, 2019
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Zarina Aliyeva
Международный исследовательский центр «Endless Light in Science». NATIONAL SCIENCE. ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN., 2023
Computer technologies pave the way for the usage of new methods, forms and means in education, the formation of children as an individual and the determination and development of his (her) hidden and obvious skills. It has been identified that children receive 70-80% of information from their parents and observations of life around them, mass media and social networks. There is a higher probability of children to obtain harmful information from social networks. Therefore, to control their use of the Internet and computer programs in beneficial ways is necessary. This is the responsibility of both parents and educational institutions. Thus, the application of computer technologies in education is one of the topical problems of the modern time. The paper deals with the role of computer technologies in the development of education system.
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Neurociencia y educación en la era de la sociedad del tecno-conocimiento
Dr. C. Betty Janeth Soledispa-Cañarte, PhD
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias
La neurociencia revoluciona la educación, aporta nuevos métodos para comprender el desarrollo cognitivo y el aprendizaje e indirectamente evalúa la eficacia de las diferentes pedagogías. La neuroeducación empieza estudiando cómo los sistemas cognitivos se construyen sobre los sensoriales proporcionando una comprensión detallada de los mecanismos causales que se vinculan a lo largo del desarrollo integral del estudiante. Este tipo de investigación neurocientífica básica orienta el campo de la educación y la pedagogía explorando los efectos en los diferentes contextos pedagógicos y de aprendizaje. En la era de la sociedad del tecno-conocimiento, la tecnología está transformando la educación. Las plataformas de aprendizaje en línea, los juegos educativos y las aplicaciones móviles son solo algunas de las herramientas que se utilizan para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La neurociencia aporta al desarrollo de la educación en línea, al identificar las limitaciones de la at...
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New Information in the Education System and Technology of Communication
Guzal Eshchanova
An article in the education system, the use of new information and communication technologies in the process of theoretical and practical issues and is described in more detail on the international experience in this field. In the context of the educational system over the past two decades, the problem of improving and modernizing modern information and communication technologies is becoming increasingly relevant. However, to make the learning process less expensive, the introduction of personal computers that are connected to the local network and, therefore, have access to the global (global) Internet, will help accelerate these processes, it was suggested that not only schools should be equipped with modern technologies for the successful implementation of the modernization program, but also that the organizers and teachers of education must have sufficient knowledge in this area
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The Implementation Of Information Technology In The Development Of Left And Right Brain At An Early Age In The World Of Education
Ismi Yulizar
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
The purpose of the study is to develop the use of the right and left brain in early childhood through the implementation of information technology in this case learning using video with words. Education in learning that is done must keep up with the times by utilizing information technology we often mention with the era of revolution 4.0. Research methods use descriptive qualitative methods by means of observation and interview of teachers, Then the data obtained in the test using spss for windows with a population of 60 early childhood results obtained Fcount = 23,347 > Ftable = 3.16 so it can be said that the implementation of information technology in learning in the form of video display is very good in the development of the right and left brain in each individual early childhood.
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Digital Technology on Education
Pramod Kumar Madeshia (Associate Professor , School of Education, Sharda University
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 2020
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