- Manta | Personal Portfolio (2024)

Manta is a full-stack developer with 5 years of experience. is a subdomain of The site has its servers located in the United States and is run by the "Vercel" webserver software.

Our DNS lookup for the hostname yielded 2 A records. No AAAA records, CNAME records or TXT records were found. Domain Name System (DNS) easily translates Domain Names to IP Addresses. DNS operates as a global network that handles the storage of information about domain names and their respective IP addresses. Since IP Addresses can be difficult to remember, DNS helps to use simple and easy to remember names instead of their IP Addresses when trying to access websites.

Subdomain Summary


Top-level Domain


generic TLD

Server Location

1 location

1 country

Information on this page was last updated on

Trace an Email Address

Server Location

Unveil the Server Location - Explore Where the Website's Servers are Physically Hosted! - Manta | Personal Portfolio (1)United States

Website Information

Uncover the website's purpose and content, complemented by relevant focus keywords.

  • Title
    Manta | Personal Portfolio
  • Description
    Manta is a full-stack developer with 5 years of experience.
  • Website Host
  • Main Language
  • Inbound Links

Web Server Information

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DNS Resource Records

A Records

maahil IN A
maahil IN A

AAAA Records

No AAAA records could be found.

CNAME Records

No CNAME records could be found.

TXT Records

No TXT records could be found.

DNS lookup for the hostname brought up 2 A records. We couldn't find any AAAA records, CNAME records or TXT records.

Domain Name System (DNS) operates as the internet's backbone. It provides easy access to websites by converting hostnames into IP Addresses. DNS makes it easy for everyone to visit websites without having to cram IP Addresses. DNS servers manage the records needed to make the seamless conversion of hostnames to IP addresses to enable online users enjoy the internet easily.

Here are some useful information on subdomain DNS records...

A records are Address records. They are a type of DNS record that connects the hostname to an IP address for easy website accessibility. But they can only connect to IPv4 addresses and not IPv6 addresses. Though IPv4-enabled devices are the most common currently, IPv6 addresses are fast becoming popular. To connect to IPv6 addresses, AAAA records are needed.

AAAA records are also known as Quad A records. They connect hostnames to IPv6 addresses easily. This is actually necessary for modern devices to access websites and services hosted on servers that are IPv6-enabled. Using AAA records help organizations offer easy access to the increasing number of IPv6-enabled devices.

To connect different subdomains to the same website or server, CNAME records come in handy. CNAME is short for Canonical Name. CNAME records generally point subdomains to the main domain. They also allow multiple domains share the same website or server. In summary they work like redirects and simply help different domains arrive at the same destination.

Another type of DNS record are TXT records. TXT is short for TEXT. TXT records are used to store text information about a domain. TXT records allow any text string so information such as contact details, security keys, verification codes etc. can be easily stored and shared with ease. This makes them a great tool for domain owners or administrators.

You can use our advanced DNS lookup tool to query more Resource Record Types than listed above. You can also use it to look up other domains, hostnames or IP addresses.

You can learn more about DNS from our Network Blog Articles:

  • Understanding DNS Management - Learning the Basics
  • What Is DNS?
  • How DNS Lookup Works

Sites with Similar Domain Names

Websites with similar domain names, indicating related or similar web addresses.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Unveiling the Most Asked Questions - Demystified!

  • Is the site safe, legit and trustworthy?

    Currently we have not enough information to determine whether the site is safe, legit or trustworthy.

  • Is the site safe for children?

    Currently we have not enough information to determine whether the site is safe for kids or not.

  • What is the subdomain about?

    Manta is a full-stack developer with 5 years of experience.

  • What is the IP address?

    The hostname resolves to the IPv4 addresses and

  • Where are the server locations?

    The site has its servers located in the United States.

  • What webserver software is used?

    The website is powered by "Vercel" webserver. - Manta | Personal Portfolio (2024)


How do I deploy my portfolio in Vercel? ›

Steps to Deploy:
  1. Sign Up and Set Up: Create a Vercel account and link it to your GitHub repository.
  2. Import Project: Import your project from GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.
  3. Configure Settings: Set up the build settings if needed (though Vercel often auto-detects them).
Jun 9, 2024

How many projects can I deploy in Vercel? ›

General Limits
Deployments Created per Day100Custom
Serverless Functions Created per DeploymentFramework-dependent*
Proxied Request Timeout (Seconds)3030
8 more rows

Which is better, Netlify or Vercel? ›

Vercel provides native integrations with popular frameworks like Next. js and Nuxt. js, while also supporting custom setups. Netlify, on the other hand, has a rich ecosystem that includes support for static site generators, serverless functions, and headless CMS integrations.

Can I deploy my website on Vercel? ›

Vercel is a platform for deploying the fastest React sites. You can deploy your site with zero configuration to the best frontend infrastructure. Develop: Build React sites that connect to your favorite APIs, databases, and content management systems.

How do I redeploy a project in Vercel? ›

From the Vercel dashboard, select your project. Select the Deployments tab and find your deployment. Click the ellipses (...) and from the context menu, select Redeploy.

How do I live my portfolio website? ›

Let's break down the steps you'll need to follow to build a compelling online portfolio from the ground up.
  1. Get a Portfolio Builder. ...
  2. Select a Template for Your Portfolio. ...
  3. Decide on the Structure of Your Portfolio. ...
  4. Customize Your Portfolio. ...
  5. Showcase Your Work. ...
  6. Optimize Your Portfolio's Performance. ...
  7. Publish Your Portfolio.
Aug 26, 2024

How do I post to my dojo portfolio? ›

From the App (iOS and Android)
  1. Log into your student account.
  2. Tap on the name of the class that you would like to create a post for.
  3. Next to "My Portfolio" tap "Create new".
  4. Choose either Journal, Photo Video, or Drawing to create a new post.
  5. Use the tools and follow the prompts in whichever type of post you select.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated:

Views: 6121

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.